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Maintenance Of Shaker

If you want to make the vibrating screen longer, the maintenance of the vibrating screen must be done well. Then to do the maintenance of the vibrating screen, we need to know which parts of the vibrating screen are easily damaged. The vibrating screen is composed of screen box, screen frame, screen, shaker, motor, vibration spring, and base part. It has large excitation force and high material bounce force, so the material with a larger specific gravity and a larger particle size is extremely effective good. Then to do the maintenance of the vibrating screen, do the following points!

1. The personnel should carefully check the duty records before production, check the cooperation with the sieve machine during the rotation of the motor, check the tension of the belt and the lubricant of the shaker bearing.

2. The vibration force of the vibrating screen is extremely high. For the supporting beam between the screen boxes on both sides, it needs to bear a large impact force, and the fixing of the interface is very important. Traditionally, it is connected by welding, but it is not easy to tear and cause accidents. This happens when Navector uses a cold riveting process.

3. It is forbidden to continue feeding after the vibrating screen equipment has been stopped to reduce the loss of the whole machine and the screen.

4. High temperature phenomenon occurs at the seal of the vibrating screen. Generally, the seal should be replaced in time if the seal is aging or the installation is not in place. The test method is to touch the seal with your hand after a certain period of time.

5. The selection of the screen box is also extremely important. Good materials can enhance the impact of the shaker on the equipment.