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What To Do When Replacing The Screen

Vibrating screen replacement is one of the most common problems for customers who use vibration. Whether the screen is damaged for a long time or the material is replaced, replacing the screen is a necessary operation. So what should I do to replace the screen? To ensure the screening effect after the screen is replaced, you can do the following:

1. Prepare more grids. When the screens need to be replaced, replace the screens directly, then send the screens that need to be replaced to us. We will replace the screens with professional workers. Send it back to the customer.

2. Of course, customers can also replace the screen by themselves. When changing the screen by yourself, you need to pay attention to the tension of the screen not to be too loose. If the screen tension is not enough or not compressed, it will cause uneven screening of materials and affect the screening efficiency. This is because after the material enters the screen, the material will stay at the center of the screen for a long time because of insufficient tension and the material will accumulate more. In this way, more material will be accumulated to affect the output. Therefore, be sure to tighten the screen properly during installation. Avoid the aforementioned relaxation.